Whenever you get a chance...
Pack Load
these items in your car in advance
- Medicine, Mobile phones, Laptops, Tablets, Hard drive, Documents, Cash, Jewellery
- Kids, and pets
- Food, Color Liquids, Liqueurs Vodka
- Whisky
- Gas Cylinders
- Firearms etc..
Leave these items
for the new owners of your current home:
- Tiles
- Bricks
- Slabs
- paint
- flooring
- carpets pieces
Donate / Dispose / Declutter
- Sheds
- Lofts
- Garages
- Basements
Don’t forget to
- Switch Address with utilities companies, DVLA, Doctors, Schools etc
- Measure furniture for placement
- Keep cleaning Supplies Separate
- Label packing boxes according to rooms (Current home)
- Removal or lights, Shades, Radiator covers
- Use fragile labels and sticky note pads
- Pack the least used room first (loft, pictures, guest bedroom, Christmas tree etc)
- Order packing supplies (boxes, labels, tape etc)… We Sell boxes and deliver them!
- Reserve space and reduce the number of boxes by using Suitcases, Bags, luggage’s etc
Moving Day
- Protect floors and carpets ( We will do this for you)
- Leave labelled keys & Door Fobs, window keys etc
- Take a final walk-through of your home
- Defrost Fridge, Clean Appliances Inc Cooker
- Remove Blinds, Curtains, etc
- Pack an essential Box (Kettle, Coffee, sugar snacks, Pet food, Toiletries, Toilet Paper, Paper Towels)